• BRLReal brasiliano
  • BWPPula del Botswana
  • CADDollaro canadese
  • DKKDanish Krone
  • HKDDollaro di Hong Kong
  • IDRRupia indonesiana
  • ILSNuovo shekel israeliano
  • INRRupia indiana
  • KHRRiel cambogiano
  • KRWWon sudcoreano
  • KWDDinaro kuwaitiano
  • LAKKip laotiano
  • LKRRupia singalese
  • LSLLoti lesothiano
  • MURRupie mauriziane
  • MXNPeso messicano
  • MYRRinggit malese
  • MZNMetical mozambicano
  • NADDollaro namibiano
  • NZDDollaro neozelandese
  • OMRRiyal dell'Oman
  • PHPPeso filippino
  • QARRiyal del Qatar
  • SARRiyal saudita
  • SCRRupia delle Seychelles
  • SGDDollaro di Singapore
  • SZLLilangeni dello Swaziland
  • TNDDinaro tunisino
  • TWDNuovo dollaro di Taiwan
  • VNDDong vietnamita
  • ZARRand sudafricano
  • ZMWKwacha dello Zambia
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Book Now Stay Now

Prenotare VIEW RATES

Book Now, Stay Now

Looking for a last-minute escape to Palm Jumeirah? It’s not too late to book within 4 days before your arrival and save 10% on accommodation, excluding additional benefits.


  • Trasferimento aeroportuale
  • Crediti ristorazione AED 150
  • Crediti ristorazione AED 200

Looking for a last-minute escape to Palm Jumeirah? It’s not too late to book within 4 days before your arrival and save 10% on accommodation. While additional benefits are excluded, you'll still enjoy your stay in a prime location of Dubai with a beach access. Don’t miss this chance to create unforgettable memories. Your dream getaway is just a booking away!


Offer Includes:

  • 10% off on Accommodation
  • Room only or Room with breakfast
  • Booking window: 0-4 days to arrival (last minutes)

NH Collection Dubai The Palm

  • 227 camere e suite, più 305 serviced apartment
  • Piscina a sfioro in terrazza, bar e lounge
  • Accesso diretto alla spiaggia
  • Ottima location per andare alla scoperta dei dintorni
  • NH Collection Premium Lounge
CHECK-IN 3:00 pm
CHECK-OUT 12:00 noon



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Sistemazioni e ospiti:


La tariffa desiderata non è disponibile per il periodo selezionato; vi indichiamo qui le migliori tariffe disponibili per le vostre date.

Spiacenti, non ci sono sistemazioni disponibili in questo hotel per queste date.


Potete scegliere queste date alternative

Termini e condizioni

• Above rate is subject to 10% service charge, 7% municipality fee and 5% VAT. All rooms are subject to a mandatory Tourism Dirham of up to AED 15 per bedroom per night.

• The rate quoted is per night, subject to seasonal variations and change without notice.

• Rate noted above is based on recent currency exchange data. The rate indicated on your confirmation is in the official hotel currency and will be charged at that rate at check-out.

• Subject to availability and cancellation policy.

• The above benefits may not be used in conjunction with any other discount or exchanged for any other service or cash.

• For more information on applicable tariffs during your desired booking period or to make a reservation, please contact our reservations desk or click on 'Book Now'.