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Primary content

New Year’s Eve Dinner at 7 Sports Bar

Experience an unforgettable night at 7 Sports Bar with a dynamic lineup of live performances, from captivating musical acts to energizing DJ sets, keeping the atmosphere vibrant all night long. Guests dining at 7 Sports Bar will also enjoy exclusive access to a special viewing deck on the Fourth Floor, offering prime views of the fireworks display.

Experience an unforgettable night at 7 Sports Bar with a thrilling lineup of live performances, featuring captivating musical acts and energizing DJ sets that will keep the atmosphere electric throughout the evening. Guests dining at 7 Sports Bar will also enjoy exclusive access to a special viewing deck on the Fourth Floor, offering prime views of the spectacular fireworks display.

Event Details:

  • Date: 31 December 2024
  • Time: 8:00 pm – 12:30 am
  • Venue: 7 Sports Bar
  • Menu: Barbeque festive dinner

Price Packages:

  • AED 800: Food and soft beverages
  • AED 1,000: Food and house beverages
  • AED 1,400: Food and premium beverages (includes one bottle of champagne)
  • Children aged 0-5 years are free of charge, while those aged 6-11 years will be charged 50% of the adult rate. For children aged 12 and above, the adult rate applies.

Note: Children are welcome.

Dress Code: Smart casual attire required. Closed-toe shoes are mandatory; shorts, gym wear, and swimwear are not permitted.

NH Collection Dubai The Palm

  • 227 camere e suite, più 305 serviced apartment
  • Piscina a sfioro in terrazza, bar e lounge
  • Accesso diretto alla spiaggia
  • Ottima location per andare alla scoperta dei dintorni
  • NH Collection Premium Lounge
CHECK-IN 3:00 pm
CHECK-OUT 12:00 noon
Termini e condizioni
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounts.
  • Bookings are subject to availability.