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Brunch on a Yacht

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Set Sail Every Saturday with Stunning Views of the Dubai Skyline

NH Collection Dubai The Palm invites you to celebrate the season with Brunch on a Yacht, an exceptional experience that promises to redefine weekend plans in Dubai.

Every Saturday from 1 PM to 4 PM, you can enjoy a luxurious culinary journey aboard the Finesse yacht, the first yacht brunch experience in the UAE

Offer includes:

  • Brunch on a yacht every Saturday, from 1 PM to 4 PM
  • DJ and live performances by dancers
  • Stunning views of Dubai’s iconic skyline from the water

NH Collection Dubai The Palm

  • 227 suites et chambres d'hôtel, ainsi que 305 appartements équipés
  • Piscine à débordement sur le toit, avec bar et salon
  • Accès direct à la plage
  • Emplacement idéal pour visiter la ville
  • Premium Lounge du NH Collection
DÉPART 12:00
Conditions générales
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounts.
  • Bookings are subject to availability.