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Primary content

Endless Breakfast at Revo Cafe


Endless Breakfast at Revo Cafe

Start your day with a delightful journey around the world at Revo Café's newest Endless Breakfast. Order whatever you want as many times as you want every Monday to Friday morning, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Start your day with a delightful journey around the world at Revo Café's newest Endless Breakfast. Indulge in an array of freshly baked pastries, fluffy pancakes, and golden waffles served with a selection of toppings. Order whatever you want as many times as you want every Monday to Friday morning, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

  • Every Monday to Friday morning, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
  • The offer is food only.
  • AED 69 per person/ Unlimited Breakfast
  •  AED 40 for kids

To reserve your table, click "BOOK NOW" or call +971 56 687 6319

NH Collection Dubai The Palm

  • 227 camere e suite, più 305 serviced apartment
  • Piscina a sfioro in terrazza, bar e lounge
  • Accesso diretto alla spiaggia
  • Ottima location per andare alla scoperta dei dintorni
  • NH Collection Premium Lounge
CHECK-IN 3:00 pm
CHECK-OUT 12:00 noon
Termini e condizioni
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounts.
  • Bookings are subject to availability.