• BRLReal brasiliano
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Primary content

Filming Package

Filming Package

We are thrilled to unveil an exciting opportunity for filmmakers, production teams, and content creators. Our resort is now open as a prime filming location!
Surrounded by jaw-dropping scenery and offering top-notch luxuries, our resort is the ultimate playground for your next big project.

Package includes the following components:

  • Accommodation: Discounted rates for cast and crew staying at the resort during the filming period.
  • Location Rental Fees: Based on the specific filming locations chosen within the resort.
  • Permits and Permissions: Assistance with obtaining any necessary permits or permissions for filming at the resort.
  • On-Site Support: Dedicated staff member available to assist with logistical arrangements and provide on-site support during filming.
  • Customization Options: Flexibility to tailor the package to meet the unique needs and requirements of each production.
  • Additional Services: Optional add-ons such as catering services, equipment rental, and transportation arrangements.

Contact our team today to learn more about our filming opportunities and to reserve your dates. Let us help you create cinematic magic at our resort.

NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort

  • 60 ville sulla spiaggia e 60 ville sull'acqua
  • Esperienze a tavola sensazionali
  • Ampie strutture ricreative
  • Snorkeling e immersioni in un ambiente incontaminato
  • Ideale per cerimonie e viaggi di nozze
CHECK-IN 14:00