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Hotelier's Night at 7 Sports Bar

Hotelier's Night

Join us every Monday at 9 PM for Hotelier's Night at Seven Sports Bar!

Enjoy 50% off your total bill and vibe to the tunes of our live DJ.

Join us every Monday at 9 PM for Hotelier's Night at Seven Sports Bar!

Enjoy 50% off your total bill and vibe to the tunes of our live DJ.

Present your hotel ID to enjoy discounts on selected dishes and drinks, making your time off even more special.

NH Collection Dubai The Palm

  • 227 camere e suite, più 305 serviced apartment
  • Piscina a sfioro in terrazza, bar e lounge
  • Accesso diretto alla spiaggia
  • Ottima location per andare alla scoperta dei dintorni
  • NH Collection Premium Lounge
CHECK-IN 3:00 pm
CHECK-OUT 12:00 noon
Termini e condizioni
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounts.
  • Bookings are subject to availability.