Irresistible Phuket hotel deals.
Whether in Phuket for business or leisure, you’ll find the best rates, plus exclusive offers and benefits, when you book direct with us. Check out our Phuket hotel deals.
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Book Now, Stay Now
- 15% savings on dining
- 15% savings on laundry
Need a getaway now? We have you covered with our last minute offer.

Advance Purchase
From- 15% savings on laundry
- 15% savings on dining
- 15% savings on laundry
Advance Purchase Promotion-Plan Ahead for 14 days in advance and Save! Enjoy a discount at 20% on accommodation at our resort!
You have the option to choose between a room-only reservation or a room with breakfast included.

Best Flexible Rate
- 15% savings on dining
- 15% savings on laundry
Enjoy the ultimate freedom to roam, and the peace of mind to change your mind if you need to.

** ABOUT YOUR BOOK DIRECT BENEFITS (Only when applicable)
Enjoy a delightful offer: receive a 15% off dining at the charming Harbour and Lighthouse Café, excluding alcohol and in-room dining and 15% off laundry services, excluding dry cleaning when you book direct with us.